Health and Wellness

Advancing Health Opportunity for Public School Students

Like all public schools, integrating health and wellness practices in charter schools offers numerous benefits. Regular physical activity, nutritious meals, and access to mental health support contribute to stronger immune systems, increased energy levels, and improved concentration, all of which enhance academic performance. Moreover, promoting healthy habits from a young age instills lifelong patterns of self-care, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. 

Since 2013, the Colorado Health Foundation has generously supported the League to advance health equity at Colorado public charter schools. Our Healthy Charter School Initiative provides charters with increased access to funding opportunities, partnerships, technical assistance, training, and professional development. 

Focused on charters with 50% or more Free and Reduced Lunch students and students located in rural and under-resourced areas, this grant-funded project increases equitable access to school meals with better options as well as health services and resiliency support and training. To date, over 30 charter schools in Colorado have received health and wellness funding, and two onsite, school-based health centers have opened their doors. 


Meet Our School Wellness Director

Serving as the League's School Wellness Director for charter schools, Rainey Wikstrom has dedicated her career to advancing healthy schools across Colorado. She began as a parent advocate at her own children’s elementary school, a rewarding and prolific experience that led her to start connecting communities, funders, opportunities, and resources in support of healthy schools. Since 2013, she has served as a champion for Colorado’s charters to ensure their equitable access to health and wellness opportunities.


We’re Here to Help

In addition to health and wellness, the League also offers assistance in the areas of academic services, board and governance, exceptional education, facilities and finance, enrollment and communications, HR and talent, and new school development.

Contact Health and Wellness