Contact Us

Colorado League of Charter Schools
104 N. Broadway, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-989-5356
Fax: 303-984-9345
For general membership questions or questions related to logging in, updating your school's profile, posting to the jobs board, and more, please contact [email protected]. For questions or issues with the website, please contact us at [email protected].
Inquiries in a specific service area can be directed as indicated below.
- Advocacy & Policy: [email protected]
- Communications & Marketing: [email protected]
- Events: [email protected]
- Public Relations: [email protected]
- Sponsors & Exhibitors: [email protected]
- Great Schools Colorado (CSP): [email protected]
- School Services: [email protected]rg
- Academic Services: [email protected]
- Board Training and Consultation: [email protected]
- Business Services: [email protected]
- Exceptional Education: [email protected]
- Health & Wellness: [email protected]
- HR and Talent Services: [email protected]
- New Schools & Enrollment Growth: [email protected]
Our 2024 Successes
- The League successfully beat back HB24-1363, which would have gutted the gains of the last 30 years.
- Funding towards Charter School Capital Construction within HB24-1448, will rise by $65.5 million over the next five years to supply critical charter school facilities resources.
- We secured full funding equity for CSI schools and the more than 20,000 students they serve in HB24-1394. This means a total of $49 million in funding towards Colorado Charter School Institute equalization next year, 2024-2025.
- A Per Pupil Revenue increase of 7.3% bolsters the average per-pupil funding to a record high of $11,450.
- And more!
Did you know?
- Charter Schools serve MORE diverse students: Colorado charter schools serve higher percentages of both students of color and English language learners than non-charter schools.
- All charter schools in Colorado are PUBLIC schools, free, open to all, and subject to the same standards and assessments as all other public schools in the state.
- They serve 137,000 students: If they were their own school district, charter schools in Colorado would now be the largest district in the state by over 50 percent.
- By a 2-to-1 margin, Colorado voters have a favorable view of charter schools and the public school options they provide.