
Influencing Public Policy & Building Community Strength

The Colorado League of Charter Schools actively promotes high-quality public charter schools, fair funding, and better facility access by influencing public policy and opinions on the local, state, and federal levels. We also know the strength of the collective charter school community across the state of Colorado and support our member schools in building strong local advocacy networks and community engagement strategies to show that we are stronger together.


State-Level Advocacy & Coalition Building

In addition to our Director of Governmental Affairs (our in-house lobbyist), we also partner with external lobbyists and actively engage with the Colorado General Assembly, the Governor’s Office, the State Board of Education

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and state governmental agencies to implement the League's policy agenda. While our policy agenda evolves each legislative session, our core objectives remain consistent:

  • Enhance funding equity for charter schools at the federal, state, and local levels
  • Guarantee equal access to the same programs and educational opportunities as traditional public school students (i.e., special education services/resources) 
  • Improve charter school facilities' access and equity
  • Strengthen and preserve charter school autonomy
  • Uphold charter schools' accountability for student performance, financial responsibility, effective governance, and more
  • Enhance charter school authorizing practices and accountability measures 
  • Ensure that Colorado's charter school law continues to evolve and maintain its strength.
Community & Local Advocacy

The League also recognizes the importance of having favorable charter environments at the local level that are built on strong, grassroots advocacy networks. We support local charter communities to build favorable public opinions of charters through education, meet with local elected officials, and engage in local policy advocacy to support their schools.

If you have a local issue that could benefit from League support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also be sure to join our Act for Charters Today (ACT) Advocacy Network, a group of charter school families, staff and community supporters who want to build their knowledge, skills, power and influence to strengthen and support their own charter schools as well as all other charters across Colorado. 

Annual Policy Agenda

Each fall, we collaborate with our Governmental Affairs Committee and Board of Directors to unveil a set of legislative priorities for the upcoming year. Seeking input from our member schools, we carefully consider their feedback on these priorities. With this valuable input, we put our agenda into action during the subsequent legislative session. Read the 2024 policy agenda.

Legislative Update Newsletter 

The League offers regular updates on Capitol developments that could have an impact on charter schools. Bi-monthly from January through May during the Colorado legislative session and at other times as developments warrant, our "Legislative Updates" e-newsletter keeps you informed with timely information on legislative developments and their implications for charters. Sign up here.

State and Federal Policy Updates (Members Only)

Exclusively for members, we offer weekly State and Federal Policy Updates calls every Friday from 12:00-12:30 PM during the legislative session. If you desire more frequent updates and in-depth discussions, these calls are an excellent opportunity to stay informed and engaged. Register now.

Bill Tracker (Members Only)

During the Colorado legislative session, we keep an updated summary of bills currently in the legislature that affect charter schools. In addition to a bill number, title and description, we include each bill’s last dated action and a link to its fiscal note. Color codes offer easy identification of those bills that have been sent to the governor, signed into law or postponed indefinitely. Log in to view the latest bill tracker.

Additional Advocacy Resources

From training opportunities and messaging guidelines to policy one-pagers and a voter toolkit, these resources will aid school and community members in creating and defending a successful charter ecosystem. Learn more.

Join us in Supporting Charter Schools

The ACT Advocacy Network is an action-oriented network of public charter school families, staff and community supporters who want to build their knowledge, skills, power and influence to strengthen and support their own charter schools as well as all other charters across Colorado.

Sign Up


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


Title IX Training: Decision Maker (Block Two)


Title IX Training: Investigator (Block Two)

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Town Halls

Town Halls

Held six times yearly, our virtual town halls provide League members with the opportunity to connect while staying updated on timely topics of interest.

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