
Welcome to the Colorado Charter School Career Center. Post job openings from your charter school or search job openings at charters across Colorado.

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Please submit your jobs here - Jobs Postings are free for Members. Positions will be posted by the end of the week in which they were submitted and you will be contacted for confirmation.

Post Positions

Work for the League

The League sometimes has positions open for exceptional individuals to be a part of strengthening access to high-quality charter schools across Colorado.

View current openings

Step-by-Step Guide for Posting a Job Listing on CLCS
  1. Access the CLCS Job Portal:
  2. Login:
    • Use your credentials to log into your CLCS account.
  3. Access "My Jobs" under "My Account":
    • Click on the “Add Job” button (you must be logged and a current League member, OR have purchased a "Jobs Posting" product to submit jobs)
  4. Fill in Job Details:
    • Enter the job title, description, and requirements.
    • Specify job type, location, and application deadline.
  5. Add Company Information:
    • Provide details about your organization, including the name, address, and contact information.
  6. Review and Submit:
    • Double-check all entered information.
    • Submit the job listing for review.
  7. Confirmation:
    • Wait for confirmation that your job listing has been approved and posted.

For a detailed step-by-step visual guide, refer to the ScribeHow guide.

Instructions to View Job Posts on CLCS
  1. Login to Your Member Account:
    • Navigate to the CLCS member homepage.
    • Enter your credentials to log in.
  2. Access Your Jobs:
    • Once logged in, click on "My Account."
    • Then, select "My Jobs."
  3. Browse Job Posts:
    • View the list of available job postings.
    • Click on a job title to see detailed information about the position.
  4. View the Job Posting:
    • To view the job posting, click on "View Job Ad" once the job post has been approved by an Admin.

For a detailed visual guide, refer to the ScribeHow guide.

Instructions to Deactivate Job Posts on CLCS
  1. Login to Your Member Account:
    • Navigate to the CLCS member homepage.
    • Enter your credentials to log in.
  2. Access Your Jobs:
    • Once logged in, click on "My Account."
    • Then, select "My Jobs."
  3. Find the Job Post:
    • Locate the job post you want to deactivate in the list of your job ads.
  4. Deactivate the Job Post:
    • Click on the job title to open the details.
    • Select the "Deactivate" option to remove the job post from the active listings.

For a detailed visual guide, refer to the ScribeHow guide.

Instructions to Repost a Deactivated Job Post on CLCS
  1. Login to Your Member Account:
    • Navigate to the CLCS member homepage.
    • Enter your credentials to log in.
  2. Access Your Jobs:
    • Once logged in, click on "My Account."
    • Then, select "My Jobs."
  3. Find the Deactivated Job Post:
    • Locate the job post you want to repost in the list of your job ads.
  4. Repost the Job Post:
    • Click on the deactivated job title to open the details.
    • Make any necessary changes to the post as desired.
    • Press the "Update" button.
    • The job post will go back into pending approval by a CLCS Admin.


If you want to give your job posting national attention as well, please visit the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools' Job Board.

Purchase Jobs (non-members) here in either a one-month or a six-month block.

Contact us with questions ([email protected]).