Green Room Sponsor (Silver) - AC25

The Green Room is located near registration for the presenters, keynote speakers and VIPs to relax and recharge before their session begins. Your sponsorship allows you to support this key group and brand the space as you wish. Perfect for companies that want to demonstrate their furniture or other products that require space to spread out.

In the Green Room hallway (Cottonwood 1), you’re guaranteed to be one of the first faces our attendees will see as they pass through registration. On top of the opportunity for real time interaction with all of our attendees, you’re invited to hang your company banner in one of the speakers’ Green Rooms, and will be included in our Event Program and Sponsor webpage as a Silver Level Sponsor. This sponsorship includes:




  • Your banner and signage in the Green Room for our speakers

  • Logo on event sponsor page as a Silver level sponsor


  • No booth included (please purchase separately, which will move you up in category).


  • One (1) complimentary conference attendee badge (non-transferable). 
  • Complimentary Marketplace Listing for three months.
  • Complimentary Lead Generation through the Conference App.