A cohort geared towards board presidents and chairs. Meets quarterly.
Hello Charter Board Chairs/Presidents,
I look forward to connecting with many of you throughout the year during the League's Board Chair Cohort meetings. Our first meeting is scheduled for October 17 from 5-6 PM at this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87366334543
These meetings will be a time for education and collaboration. Bring your resources. Bring your questions.
Our first meeting topic is "Building Effective Board Systems." The first part of our meeting will focus on items such as annual calendars, goals, and monitoring. Then, we will have time for open discussion related to issues at the top of our minds.
A bit about me: I have worked in Colorado charter schools for over twenty years as a teacher, school administrator, League employee, and educational consultant. I am also a charter parent and a Board Chair. I am excited to share my perspective with this group and learn from you all!
In partnership,
Kia Murray
Created: October 15, 2024 02:10:04 PM
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