Sep 12, 2024

Colorado State Board of Education adjusts cut scores for digital SAT math on the Graduation Guidelines 

Colorado State Board of Education adjusts cut scores for digital SAT math on the Graduation Guidelines 

DENVER -- The Colorado State Board of Education on Wednesday adjusted the cut score for the digital SAT math test that is used as a measurement to demonstrate competency for the state’s Graduation Guidelines.

Last spring’s PSAT and SAT were administered in a fully online – a change from prior years. Additionally, the test included new items and some content shifts, such as the amount of problem-solving questions versus geometry questions. Student performance decreased by 4.1 percentage points on last spring’s math tests compared to the percentage of students who met/exceeded expectations in 2023.

The board voted in June to investigate and adjust PSAT/SAT accountability targets for the state’s performance frameworks. In August, the board heard information about the state’s Graduation Guidelines – which are requirements students must meet to graduate from high school. The guidelines require students to show proficiency in reading, writing and communicating, and math on one of 11 options, including the SAT. 

Due to the changes with the digital SAT, the board unanimously approved moving the digital SAT math cut score for graduation guidelines to 480 from 500 for students graduating in 2025 and 2026 and directed CDE to work with the Colorado Commission of Higher Education to determine a proficiency level for future years. The SAT cut scores for reading and writing will remain at 470.

Additionally, the board heard a presentation about the release of the preliminary school and district performance frameworks. Following this week’s release, districts can provide CDE with additional data through the “request to reconsider” process that may result in a rating change before the final frameworks are presented to the state board later this year.
