A cohort for HR staff, school leaders and business managers. Meets monthly.
Hi all!
Thank you for joining us for the Retaining Strong Talent session, and I truly apologize about the mix-up with the Zoom. I have fixed all of the Zoom links in the calendar invites to match the ones on the website so we shouldn't run into further issues.
Here are the resources from today's session:
- Powerpoint: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGeoiXUQUc/slyiEWFoh2UbavRCecQRUQ/edit?utm_content=DAGeoiXUQUc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
- Title IX "Dear Colleague" Letter: https://www.ed.gov/media/document/title-ix-enforcement-directive-dcl-109477.pdf
- Title IX 2020 Resources: https://www.ed.gov/laws-and-policy/civil-rights-laws/title-ix-and-sex-discrimination/sex-discrimination-overview-of-law
- Printable Red Cards for ICE: https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas
Video Recording: https://fathom.video/share/UTdDH2wWU5BsEysbuDLF9SthZbqkqs1_
As always please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything!
Created: February 10, 2025 11:02:01 AM
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