A cohort geared towards communications staff, marketing teams, registrars and school leaders. Meets monthly.
Karen Pellegrin, Senior Manager of Technology Accessibility with the Colorado Office of Information and Technology spoke on February 26 about the new accessibility requirements of HB21-1110 which go into effect July 1 for all government agencies, including public charter schools. View the slides and webinar recording to learn more about the technologies affected — including websites — and gain valuable insight for developing a path to ongoing compliance.
Link to recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/n4OFMsTrLv_bxATZn6yY33ncXlHPB_MCMSB2XcZkr7PqUWBHTiSoaqkiMHx9FinH.m9eds7YiO-mQJs0N
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