A cohort geared towards communications staff, marketing teams, registrars and school leaders. Meets monthly.
Did you know? 85% of young people with a mentor say this key relationship has helped them with issues related to school and their education.
Celebrated annually in January, National Mentoring Month is a time to recognize the transformative impact of mentorship, inspire others to step into mentoring roles, highlight valuable mentoring programs, and honor the incredible contributions of mentors everywhere.
To become a #MentorIRL, celebrate those mentors in your lives, build awareness and/or amplify the movement #MentoringAmplifies:
Check out Mentor’s National Mentoring Month toolkits on Advocacy Outreach, Digital Engagement, Social Media Outreach and more. They also have an Important Dates and Events calendar with downloadable graphics.
Link: https://www.mentoring.org/campaigns/national-mentoring-month/#days
Mentoring Partnership showcases some additional resources including links to find or become a mentor, as well as everyday mentoring weekly tips.
Link: https://www.mentoringpittsburgh.org/news_posts/national-mentoring-month-2025
Have additional resources you’d like to share? Simply reply to this discussion thread. Thank you!
Created: January 06, 2025 09:01:23 AM
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