Title IX

Title IX trainings and downloadable products

Starting in 2024 new regulations are required for Title IX in Colorado. The League supports these new requirements by offering trainings for staff. Please click here for a listing of upcoming trainings. 

Once your school team has taken the trainings you are eligible to access the materials to then train your staff. Here are the steps in the process:

  1. Take each of the three required trainings. Complete and secure your certificates. (NOTE: Decision Maker, Coordinator, and Trainer are required. Board Member/School Leader is not required but recommended)
  2. Complete the required three trainings, THEN fill out this verification form. (NOTE: the certificates do not have to come from the Colorado League of Charter Schools.)
  3. Our staff will verify your three certificates and send you a confirmation with a payment link for the materials. (NOTE: to purchase the products, you must be logged in.) 
  4. Once you complete payment for the materials, come back to this page, and the downloadables will be available below.  To download the products here, you must be logged in with the same credentials, and reload this page.) 

If you have followed the above four steps, the downloadable Resource Page will be viewable below. 


Sorry. We don't have your materials. Please make sure you have followed the above four steps and are signed in with the same credentials used to PURCHASE the products. If you have any problems, email [email protected] for help.