Voter Toolkit Samples
Engaging Others in Elections
When it comes to elections there is strength in numbers! Engaging others in your school community in the election cycle is critical to achieving positive outcomes to support charter schools and charter students. In this section, we’ve provided tools and resources for community electoral engagement broken down by the key phases of the election season: voter registration, making a voting plan, engaging non-voters, early voting, final voting turnout, and post-election.
Voter Registration
Ensuring those in your school community are registered to vote and/or have updated voter registration information is the first step in community electoral engagement. Providing helpful tools and resources can make this an easy process for your school community and a strong start to electoral involvement.
Sample Email:
Dear [school name] members,
Election season is right around the corner! Now is the time to register to vote or update your voter registration to make sure it’s current before ballots are mailed.
There are three ways to register to vote:
- Online: Visit to register online with a valid state driver’s license or state issued ID card from the Colorado Department of Revenue.
- Printable form: Printable registration forms are available at the Secretary of State's website, the county clerk and recorder's office, and federal post offices. Completed forms can be mailed, faxed, or scanned and sent through email to your county clerk and recorder's office.
- In-person: You can vote in-person at a voter registration drive or at an approved registration location including Colorado DMVs, public assistance offices, or county voter service and polling centers.
To check your registration and make any updates to your name, address, or party affiliation, visit Go Vote Colorado on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website.
If you’re planning to vote in-person you can register through Election Day or if you’d like to receive a mail ballot be sure to register or update your registration at least 8 days before Election Day.
Please reach out if you have any questions on getting registered to vote or updating your registration, and encourage your friends, family, and members of our school community to register and vote!
Sample Social Media Posts
Election Day is November 7th! Are you registered? Start the process.
Is your voter registration up to date? Double-check your name, address, and affiliation is current before ballots go out.
Make sure your voice is heard this election! Register to vote or update your voter registration.
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Other Engagement Opportunities:
Host a virtual or in-person voter registration drive. Find the rules and requirements for hosting a voter registration drive.
Have handouts available at your school with relevant voter registration information families and staff can take home.
Making a Voting Plan
Once those in your school community are registered to vote, encouraging them to make a plan for voting - including where they plan to vote, when they plan to vote, and how they’ll inform their voting - can help encourage voter participation.
Sample Email:
Dear [School name] members,
With the upcoming elections we want to ensure all the voices of [School name] are heard. Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, parent, community member, or alumni, your input and engagement is essential in this year’s election.
So let’s make a plan — how and when will you vote this year? Here’s an easy checklist to follow to help you get ready for voting:
- Make sure you’re registered to vote and/or that your voter registration is current at
Decide how you want to vote this year:
Get informed with resources like the Colorado Blue Book
Vote before the polls close at 7pm on Election Day.
Track your ballot with BallotTrax to know when it’s been counted.
Please reach out with any questions and encourage your friends, family, and members of our school community to make a plan to vote too!
Sample Social Media Posts
- Election Day is coming up, do you have a voting plan? Think about how and when you’ll vote this year so you can be ready.
- How and when are you going to vote this year? Make a plan and use your voice this Election Day!
- Get ready to vote this year by mapping out your voting plan - register, get informed about the candidates and issues, and decide how and when you’ll vote.
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Other Engagement Opportunities:
- Share a voting plan worksheet for members of your school community to fill out.
- Post about your own voting plan on social media and encourage others to comment with theirs.
- Start a “pledge to vote” campaign on your campus.
Early Voting
Since every voter in Colorado receives a mail ballot, early voting is both possible and easily accessible. You can encourage voters in your school community to fill out their ballots before Election Day to help avoid missing deadlines and missing out on key voter participation.
Sample Email:
Dear [School name] members,
By now, you may have already received your ballot for the upcoming election. Make sure your voice will be heard and your vote will be counted this year by voting early!
To find a dropbox near you for your completed ballot, visit
Please reach out if you have any questions and be sure to encourage others to turn their ballots in early too!
Sample Social Media Posts
Colorado ballots have been mailed! Check the status of your ballot here and vote early.
Early voting is open in Colorado! You can vote anytime now through Election Day. Find a dropbox location for your filled ballot.
Make sure your vote is counted this election by voting early! Mail ballots can be dropped off at local dropboxes from now throughElection Day.
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Other Engagement Opportunities
Encourage members of your school community to post if they’ve voted early on social media to encourage others to cast their ballot.
Start an “October Voter” campaign on your campus encouraging your school community to vote early
Final Voter Turnout
As with any kind of campaign, the final hours of election season are crucial to success. There is also natural momentum and excitement around Election Day that is important to leverage with one last push for members of your school community to vote.
Sample Email:
Dear [School name] members,
Today is Election Day! If you haven’t voted yet, be sure to do so today by either dropping off your filled ballot at a nearby dropbox or voting in-person at a local polling center, which you can find at
Your vote truly matters - not only in helping shape who will represent us and what measures will be put into effect, but also in modeling active citizenship for the children in our community. By being a voter, you set an example for the kids in [school name] of the importance of engaging in democracy and encourage them to become voters in the future.
Thank you for using your voice for [school name] and please reach out if you have any questions.
Sample Social Media Posts
Today is Election Day! Have you voted yet? Drop off your ballot at a nearby dropbox or vote in-person at a local polling center before 7pm today.
There’s still time to vote in this year’s election! Drop off your ballot at a nearby dropbox or vote in-person at a local polling center before 7pm today.
Your voice matters - make sure to vote today.
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Other Engagement Opportunities
Encourage members of your school community to post if they’ve voted early on social media to encourage others to cast their ballot.
Start an “October Voter” campaign on your campus encouraging your school community to vote early
Though the election is over, there is still opportunity to connect with your school community and ensure that everyone is informed on the outcomes of the election and the potential impacts. Providing post-election outreach and information is also a helpful way to remind those in your community that their vote and engagement mattered and is appreciated.
Sample Email
Dear [School name] members,
Thank you to everyone who voted in this year’s election! You raised your voice, made our school community stronger together, and set an example for our students of the importance of civic participation.
There are many more upcoming opportunities to be engaged and advocate for charter schools like [school name] throughout the year. Please let me know how you’d like to be involved and we’ll find the right fit for your skill set and interests.
We’ll also be reaching out to our newly elected and re-elected officials in the coming months, so please let me know if you’d like to be involved in representing [school name] with our policymakers.
Sample Social Media Posts
Thank you for voting in this year’s election [School name] community! Your voice and your vote mattered.
We are stronger together - thank you for voting in this year’s election!
Wondering what the outcomes of the elections will mean for (your community, school district, school, etc.)? Join us for a Town Hall meeting on the election results!
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Other Engagement Opportunities:
As mentioned in the sample social media post, host a Town Hall to review the election results and how the results could impact your school community. (and reach out to the Colorado League of Charter Schools if you need support planning and hosting a post-election event!)
Work with members of your school community to reach out to your newly elected officials and get a head start on building those relationships.
Think about other advocacy opportunities you could engage members of your school community in throughout the year and share those opportunities out.
Engaging Non-Voters
There may be individuals in your school community who are not eligible to vote for a variety of reasons. It’s important not to count these people out - they still are a part of your school community and have a stake in the election outcomes. Recognizing the role these individuals can still play in elections and providing them ideas of how to engage can help to ensure they feel seen and connected to both your school community and the election.
Some ways to get ineligible voters involved in elections in your school:
If they’re ineligible due to being students who are underage, start a “future voter” campaign with your students where they share why they’ll vote in the future, why voting is important to them, and the overall need for civic engagement in your school community.
Encourage them to support voter registration and turnout in your school community by helping inform others on how to vote and what candidates and issues will be on the ballot this year.
Post-election, engage them in your outreach to newly elected officials and any initial relationship building between your school and their elected representatives.