Learning Communities Groups

Learning Communities are offered to the entire charter school community. Join designated meetings and discussions with expert hosts, discussion boards, with relevant resources to download and share. Please create an account and log in to join a Learning Community. (Go back to Events and Trainings.)


10 groups available

Board Chair Cohort

Members (377) Discussions (13)

A cohort geared towards board presidents and chairs. Meets quarterly.



Members (309) Discussions (62)

A cohort geared towards communications staff, marketing teams, registrars and school leaders. Meets monthly.

Early Childhood Education Director Cohort

Members (26) Discussions (4)

Executive Director Cohort

Members (447) Discussions (5)

A cohort for executive directors who manage principals.

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Great Schools Colorado - CSP Prospect Cohort

Members (13) Discussions (2)

Human Resources Cohort

Members (71) Discussions (8)

A cohort for HR staff, school leaders and business managers. Meets monthly.

Operations and Finance Cohort

Members (403) Discussions (15)

A cohort for Business Managers, Directors of Finance, Directors of Operations and Facility Managers. Meets monthly for one hour.

Designed for CSP grant recipients, though any member school is welcomed and encouraged to join. Meets quarterly for two hours and features subject matter experts.

Rural School Leader Cohort

Members (117) Discussions (11)

A cohort for leaders of rural and outstate schools. Meets quarterly.

SPED Leader Cohort

Members (1142) Discussions (5)

A cohort for those who lead special education initiatives for diverse learners.