Energize Your School’s Improvement Planning & Data Culture

1.30pm – 2.30pm MST, 27 February 2024 ‐ 1 hour

Workshop/Breakout Sessions

Despite vast research supporting its benefits, improvement planning in schools often remains cumbersome due to a lack of organized data to inform the process, time, structure or guidance. Even for schools with a strongly written improvement plan, successful implementation is challenging and doing it with energy and positivity requires an even bigger lift. Elevate awareness of the current state of improvement planning at your school, re:visioning key aspects and strategies in the process and developing actionable takeaways with guidance for building staff buy-in. Attendees will leave with a succinct path forward and implementation benchmarks to energize the improvement planning process.

This session will focus on how to bring energy to your improvement planning process, including an increase in the data culture currently being realized in your school.

1. The presenters will help to create awareness around the current state of improvement planning and data culture in attendees' schools by allowing time for attendees to gather in groups to share insight into: a) Successful strategies currently being implemented in their schools; b) Integration of teachers in the improvement planning process; and c) Actions that have resulted in the development of a strong data culture in their schools.

2. Following a share-out from group discussions, the presenters will share best practice research-based strategies in combination with examples from case studies that will help you build and strengthen improvement planning and implementation of data culture in your school.

3. Attendee and presenter strategies will be combined into actionable takeaways designed to energize the improvement planning process in schools and the necessary steps required to create excitement around the use of data in schools to drive improvement.

Please take the post-workshop survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ac24-data